2011 - 2012 News Archive
Education Internship at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History
May 29, 2012
The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History offers Education Internships for history majors to gain experience working in the museum setting in addition to leading history-focused school tours.
New History Buttons!
May 25, 2012
The History Department is thrilled to unveil the winner of our first ever Button Design Contest.
History grads at Graduate Research Symposium
May 11, 2012
Stop by on Friday, May 11 to see poster presentations by Michael Jin and Kelly Feinstein-Johnson, PhD candidates in History at UC Santa Cruz.
Matt O'Hara at the Stevenson College Lecture Series
May 11, 2012
Join us on Wednesday, May 16th for this talk by Associate Professor of History Matt O'Hara.
History Undergraduate Research Symposium 2012
May 8, 2012
Please join us on May 10th for the 5th Annual History Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Catherine Jones: “Children and the Problem of Agency”
April 27, 2012
Join us on Wednesday, May 2, 12:00 noon.
Professor Christy receives John Dizikes Award
April 23, 2012
Associate Professor of History Alan Christy is the 2012 recipient of the John Dizikes Teaching Award in Humanities.
PhD Candidate Martin Rizzo gives CRES talk
April 13, 2012
2011-2012 HUGRA recipients in History
April 2, 2012
The Institute for Humanities Research has announced the recipients of the Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards (HUGRA) for academic year 2011-2012. Those awarded include two History students, Michael Hinojosa and Cory Schiff.
Kate Brown - UCSC Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium Series
April 2, 2012
History is co-sponsoring an upcoming talk by Kate Brown, Associate Professor of History in the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Craig Schiffer: Santa Cruz to Wall Street
April 2, 2012
This year's Humanities East Coast Distinguished Alumni Guest Lecture Speaker will be Craig Schiffer, History B.A., Cowell, Class of ’78. Join us on April 27 at 4:00 PM.
Fourth-year Ashley Overhouse wins annual Fanny Carruthers Award
March 28, 2012
Ashley Overhouse, class of 2012, is the winner of the annual Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship.
History Department Button Design Contest!
March 21, 2012
The department is pleased to announce its first ever History Department Button Design Contest!
Peter Kenez to deliver annual UCSC Spring Emeriti Faculty Lecture
March 07, 2012
A Holocaust survivor and native of Hungary, Peter Kenez is a scholar of the history of Russia and the former Soviet Union. On March 15, he will present the annual UCSC Emeriti Lecture on the topic: “The Coming of the Holocaust.”
Brian Catlos wins Webb-Smith Essay Competition, named Associate at UCLA
March 1, 2012
History faculty member Brian A. Catlos recently won the 47th Annual Walter Prescott Webb Essay Award. He was also recently named as Associate of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement
February 29, 2012
Please join us for this History co-sponsored event on Tuesday, March 6.
“Can the President be Torturer in Chief? John Yoo, Executive Authority and Historical Memory”
January 30, 2012
Professor Yang examines the legal reasoning of the former Justice Department lawyer’s “torture memos” and his arguments that Al Qaeda and Taliban members were not entitled to protections under the Geneva Convention.
Labor Across the Food System Conference
January 24, 2012
A free public conference, Labor Across the Food System will advance research and advocacy by bringing key scholars and advocates to Santa Cruz for discussions of the critical role of labor and social justice in remaking the global food system.
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
December 1, 2011
The Pickering Undergraduate Fellowship selects undergraduate students in their junior year of college.
Dana Frank's "Wikileaks Honduras: US Linked to Brutal Businessman"
November 30, 2011
History professor Dana Frank contributed an article to The Nation revealing how new Wikileaks cables show that US-funded troops in Honduras have been collaborating with a known drug trafficker in his private army's war against campesinos in that country.
From Santa Cruz to Shanghai
November 22, 2011
UCSC History major Lauren Thomas is spending a semester abroad in Shanghai, China. In this article, she describes how she became a History major and how her classes at UCSC expanded her sense of questions and adventures worth pursuing.
History Student Receives Matsui Fellowship
November 21, 2011
History major Andrew Avallone '12 and College Nine student Brent Houser '12 have both been awarded the Robert T. Matsui - University of California Congressional Fellowship for UCDC Winter 2012.
Gail Hershatter interviewed for her newly published book
November 2, 2011
History professor and department chair Gail Hershatter is interviewed in "The China Beat" for her newly published book, "The Gender of Memory"
Brian Catlos and Sharon Kinoshita's "Mediterranean Seminar" In the News
October 27, 2011
UCSC Professors Brian Catlos (History) and Sharon Kinoshita (Literature) win recognition, funding, and honors for their groundbreaking Mediterranean Seminar, sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz Institute for Humanities Research.
History Graduate School Roundtable Discussion
October 24, 2011
Are you interested in pursuing a graduate degree in history? Do you have questions about the application process? Do you need help identifying potential schools? Are you just looking for some general information and advice? Attend and learn what it takes to pursue a graduate degree!
Professor Haas publishes new book, "Pablo Tac, Indigenous Scholar"
October 22, 2011
Benjamin Cawthra gives talk at UCSC: "Envisioning Jazz"
October 18, 2011
Please join us for this event on November 2.
A Talk Featuring Wooksik Cheong of Peace Network, Korea
October 11, 2011
Wooksik Cheong, a founding member and representative of Peace Network, a South Korean NGO formed in 1999 that works for peace and disarmament in Northeast Asia and on the Korean peninsula, will speak on the resistance movement against the militarization of Jeju.
MAH Offers $1,000 Grant for Local History Research Project
September 29, 2011
The James Dolkas Memorial Fund supports projects that promote the understanding of the history of the Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay Area both in the area of intellectual research (publishing: writing/photographic, video, voice) and material structure (objects/buildings).
Professor Hershatter's New Book Featured by Ms. Magazine
September 9, 2011
"The Gender of Memory: Rural Women and China's Collective Past,"was recently featured on the Ms. Magazine Blog.
Professor Minghui Hu Joins Academia Sinica Project
August 29, 2011
Minghui Hu, Assistant Professor in the UC Santa Cruz History Department and East Asian Studies faculty member, has recently joined an exciting 3-year project at the Academia Sinica (the national academy of Taiwan).
EVERY PROTECTION: Exploring Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Jewish Pale of Settlement
August 08, 2011
You're invited! An exhibit at the Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery at Cowell College at UC Santa Cruz, running September 27 - October 11, 2011, features images by Debra Olin and text by UCSC professor Nathaniel Deutsch depicting the powerful experience of pregnancy and childbirth in the Russian Pale of Settlement.
Gail Hershatter elected President of the Association of Asian Studies
August 1, 2011
History Chair Gail Hershatter has been elected President of the Association of Asian Studies, a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association for all persons interested in Asia and the study of Asia. She also published her new book, "The Gender of Memory," this summer!