Recent Award Recipients

2016-17 Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowship recipients.


Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Jacob Press, Ian Doyle, Ethan Waldo

Deans’ Undergraduate Award -Jacob Press, Ian Doyle, Ethan Waldo, Jackson Young, Isabel De Blois, Valerie Sainz, Leonardo Colletta, Maia Mislang, Bronwyn Eyre, Molly Maher

History Department Hitchcock Award - Ian Doyle

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Local History - Molly Maher

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Community-Engaged History - Jacob Press

History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Nationalism - Leonardo Sullivan Colleta

History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of the Global Left  - Ian Doyle

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Indigenous History - Bronwyn Eyre

History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Sexuality - Ethan Waldo

History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Empire - Maia Mislang

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Jackson Young, Isabel De Blois, Valerie Sainz


Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Elina Juvonen

Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Elina Juvonen, Owen Cooksy, Russell Moore

History Department Hitchcock Award - Elina Juvonen

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Social History - Elina Juvonen

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the History of Nationalism - Owen Cooksy

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Infrastructural and Urbanism History - Russell Moore

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Material History  - Claire Morgan

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Multi-species History - Hana Vrablik Yamamoto

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Arik Talmon

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Thomas Freiburger


Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Ryan Hart, Rane Vigil

Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Ryan Hart, Nicholas Mosher, Chloe Seifert, Rane Vigil, Gavin Williams, Daithi Willis, Maia Zelkha

History Department Hitchcock Award - Rane Vigil

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Race & Politics - Rane Vigil

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Heather Layman

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Chloe Seifert

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the History of Science - Gavin Williams

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Memory Studies - Nicholas Mosher

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Material History - Daithi Willis

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Intellectual History - Ryan Hart

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Maia Zelkha

History Department First Generation Student Scholarship - Jaclyn Quan, Sabrina Nguyen

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Sage Michaels

Humanities Undergraduate Public Fellowships - Katrina Pagaduan, Markus Faye Portacio

Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Elise Benton, Theresa Bostic, Sage Michaels, Maia Zelkha

The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Brianna Aispuro

Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Graciela Villalobos-Martinez

Koret Undergraduate Research Scholar - Lia Bonver, Lauren Hatcher, Daithi Willis

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship - Jose Guillermo Cruz Serrato


Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Jonah Gertz

Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Avni Lal, Jonah Gertz, Maya Gonzalez, Kimberly Szeto, Matthew Tracey-Cook, "The Stela of Maya: Family and Marriage Relations in Ancient Egypt" group project: Vicky Chin, Alyssa Rodriguez, Mary Shamon, Olivia Tarango

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Maya Gonzalez

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Maya Gonzalez

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Global History - Jonah Gertz

History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Avni Lal

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Kimberly Szeto

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Claire Williams

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 C.E. History - Elise Benton, Elena Castaneda, Rodolfo Gil, Bailey Van Tassell

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Vicky Chin, Olivia Tarango, Mary Shamon, Alyssa Rodriguez

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Jonah Gertz

Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Jonah Gertz, Maya Gonzalez, Sage Michaels

The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Hannah Stitt

Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Emily Rashid

Undergraduate Digital Research Fellowship - Maya Gonzalez, Leighton Smith

Humanities Dean’s Excellence Award - Graciela Villalobos-Martinez

History Department First Generation Student Scholarship - Evangelia Magkolas, Starr Mitchell, Markus Faye Portacio


Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Angela Cortes

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Angela Cortes, Bailey Troth, Charles Wagoner

History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Angela Cortes

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Global Intellectual History - Gabriel Embrey

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Tayleigh Greene

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Diplomatic History - Alexander Miller

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - William Staninger

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Bailey Troth

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Bailey Troth

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Historical Memory - Charles Wagoner

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Monty Montero-Elliott

Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Monty Montero-Elliott, Charles Wagoner

The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Savannah Hallgarth

Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Angela Cortes, Henry Jimenez

Cowell College John Holmes US History Prize - Adelaide Carlson


Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Jessica Chuidian-Ingersoll, Michele Cole, Avery Jayne Weinman

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Stephanie Perez, Garrett Starke

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Local History - Jessica Chuidian-Ingersoll

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Michele Cole

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Savannah Dawson

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Social History - Elena DeNoia

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Miguel Lepiz

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Michael Roush

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Intellectual History - Avery Weinman

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Avery Weinman

Cowell College John Holmes US History Prize - Miguel Lepiz

UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Michael Roush, Ellis Scherer

Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Stephanie Perez, Garrett Starke, Avery Weinman

Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Nirupama Chandrasekhar, Stephanie Perez, Samantha Stringer


Gabriel Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship - Asante Nkosi

Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Ian Kussin-Gika

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Christian Culton, Riley Gervin, Ian Kussin-Gika

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Nicolas Niño

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World History - Kade Muffett

History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Ian Kussin-Gika

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Riley Gervin

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Jonathan Hill

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Al-Harith Abu-Amara

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Media History - Christian Culton

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Jason Gomez

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Spatial History - Daphne White

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Ian Kussin-Gika

Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Teodor Jaich, Ethan Pezzolo, Mikhaila Reid

Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Gabriel Louis Embrey

UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Mark Evans, Joanna Gil, Jui Huang, Marcelo Lomelin


Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Miguel Giron, Cori Hoover

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Martin Dietz, Arash Ehya, Miguel Giron, Cori Hoover, Serene Tseng

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Miguel Giron

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World HistoryCaitlin Powell

History Department Linda Peterson Award in European HistorySerene Tseng

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional HistoryArash Ehya

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. HistoryCori Hoover

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. HistoryMartin Dietz

History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Robert Potmesil

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall EssayCori Hoover

2017 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Nolan Perla-Ward

2017 Achmin Perner Award - Joanna Gil, Melanie Guther

Fall 2016 UCEAP Promise Scholarships - Abigail Kellogg

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Rose Greenberg, Cori Hoover, Amalia Hubbert, Alexyss McClellan, Robert Potmesil

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Robert Potmesil

Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Cori Hoover, Daniela Torres


1st Prize Winner of “Shout Out for the Humanities” Contest - Stella Fronius

Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Hana Rothstein

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Stella Fronius, Clare Moran, Hana Rothstein

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Kylie Carpenter

History Department Linda Peterson Award in East Asian History - Stella Fronius

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Middle Eastern History - Hana Rothstein

History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Clare Moran

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Tyler Lewis

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Christopher Cruickshank

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Grant Shryock

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Stella Fronius

UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Alec Whitson, Jackson Zeman

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Alex Attanasio, Matthew Ray, Stella Fronius

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Stella Fronius

UC Global Food Initiative Fellowship - David Robles

2016 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Sanjana Barr


Catherine A. Jones Scholarship (Awarded in Association with the Dizikes Faculty Teaching Award in Humanities) - Jacob Perez

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Noah Barrera-Stanford, Marley Lix-Jones, Nicholas Watter

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Jordan Brown, Amanda Cheung, Jennifer Lemieux, Rafferty Lincoln

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Marley Lix-Jones

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Nicholas Watter

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asian and the Islamic World History - Patrick Aguilar

History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Christina Maerz

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Abigail Resenbeck

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Yessenia Moreno

History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Noah Barrera-Stanford

History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Project - Marley Lix-Jones

2015 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Sanjana Barr


Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the HumanitiesTrevor Stober

Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Samantha House and Trevor Stober

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Nicholas Garcia, Tobias Rushing, Priscilla Sanchez

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and AfricaTrevor Stober

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Jan Jorritsma

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Rachael Kellermann

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1500 A.D. History - Elizabeth Beard

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Samantha House

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional HistoryMarley Lix-Jones

History Department Undergraduate Education Comittee Award - Rebecca O'Neill

History Department Hitchcock Award - Trevor Stober

Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Oona O'Neill

UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Scholarship - Oona O'Neill and Laura Ruvalcaba

2012 - 2013

2013 Steck Family Award - Kristoffer Hellén

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Kristoffer Hellén and Joshua Swedberg

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Cory Schiff, Darrel Jobe, Kristoffer Hellén, Joshua Swedberg

Humanities Undergraduate Research AwardsTaylor Feld, Lois Rosson, Rebecca Royston, Lauren Young

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the United States - Joshua Swedberg

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Latin America - Patrick Rubio

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Cory Schiff

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Darrel Jobe

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Lauren Gregg

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Jeffrey Baron

History Department Hitchcock Award - Kristoffer Hellén

Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Maritza Santa Cruz and Timothy Mohnhaupt

Verbal Acclamation Award at the UC Berkeley Model United Nations Conference - Kelsey Hill

2011 - 2012

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Nathan Brown

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Nathan Brown, Ian Hickey, Dylan McCarty, Mary Wolff

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards Michael Hinojosa and Cory Schiff

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and AfricaGarrett Davidson

History Department Linda Peterson Award in EuropeBerkeley Hirsch

History Department Linda Peterson Award in East AsiaDylan McCarty

History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Near EastNathan Brown

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional HistoryIsabel Callejo-Brighton

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Ian Hickey

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Mary Wolff

History Department Undergraduate Education Comittee AwardKaleigh Woods

History Department Hitchcock AwardIan Hickey

Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Ashley Ann Overhouse

Robert T. Matsui - University of California Congressional Fellowship - Andrew Avallone and Erin Flannery

2010 - 2011

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Joshua Brett

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Joshua Brett, Catherine Damon, Dillon Webster 

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Ai Baba, Rhiannon Benson, Joshua Brett, Nathan Brown, Catherine Damon

Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Joshua Brett

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Catherine Damon

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Sara Sladwick

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Dillon Webster

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Joshua Brett

History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Lillian Stoicheff

History Department Hitchcock Award - Joshua Brett

Marshall Scholarship- Cynthia Thickpenny

Gilder Lehrman History Scholarship - Ashelen Vicuna

Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Ashley Ann Overhouse

Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship - Andrew Whitman

Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity - Matthew Palm

2009 - 2010

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Briana Brooks

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Briana Brooks, Daniel Englander, Caitlin Jolicoeur

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Rachael Berry, Derek Davis, Steven Roy, Cynthia Thickpenny

History Department Hitchcock Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Briana Brooks

History Department Hitchcock Award in Trans-Regional History - Huijun Katherine Chen

History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Nicole Rupp

History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Daniel Englander

History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Caitlin Jolicoeur

John Dizikes Student Scholarship Award - Cynthia Thickpenny

2008 - 2009

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Talia Coutin

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Talia Coutin, Tashin Siddique

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - James Ong, Monica Sedlock

History Department Hitchcock Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Evan Housel

History Department Hitchcock Award in Trans-Regional History - Mark Edwards

History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Reeve Tyndall

History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Tashin Siddique

History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Talia Coutin

2007 - 2008

Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Jordan Neyer, Lia Winfield

Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Laura Leone, Jordan Neyer, Lia Winfield

Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Talia Coutin, Ryan Farrell, Kelly McCormick, Lia Winfield, Maro Youssef

Humanities Undergraduate Research Award, Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Lia Winfield

History Department Chair's Award - Laura Leone

History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Jordan Neyer

History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Lia Winfield

History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Nathan Jaye

History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Laura Leone