Recent Award Recipients
Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Jacob Press, Ian Doyle, Ethan Waldo
Deans’ Undergraduate Award -Jacob Press, Ian Doyle, Ethan Waldo, Jackson Young, Isabel De Blois, Valerie Sainz, Leonardo Colletta, Maia Mislang, Bronwyn Eyre, Molly Maher
History Department Hitchcock Award - Ian Doyle
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Local History - Molly Maher
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Community-Engaged History - Jacob Press
History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Nationalism - Leonardo Sullivan Colleta
History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of the Global Left - Ian Doyle
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Indigenous History - Bronwyn Eyre
History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Sexuality - Ethan Waldo
History Department Linda Peterson Award in History of Empire - Maia Mislang
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Jackson Young, Isabel De Blois, Valerie Sainz
Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Elina Juvonen
Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Elina Juvonen, Owen Cooksy, Russell Moore
History Department Hitchcock Award - Elina Juvonen
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Social History - Elina Juvonen
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the History of Nationalism - Owen Cooksy
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Infrastructural and Urbanism History - Russell Moore
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Material History - Claire Morgan
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Multi-species History - Hana Vrablik Yamamoto
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Arik Talmon
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Thomas Freiburger
Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Ryan Hart, Rane Vigil
Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Ryan Hart, Nicholas Mosher, Chloe Seifert, Rane Vigil, Gavin Williams, Daithi Willis, Maia Zelkha
History Department Hitchcock Award - Rane Vigil
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Race & Politics - Rane Vigil
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Heather Layman
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Chloe Seifert
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the History of Science - Gavin Williams
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Memory Studies - Nicholas Mosher
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Material History - Daithi Willis
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Intellectual History - Ryan Hart
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Maia Zelkha
History Department First Generation Student Scholarship - Jaclyn Quan, Sabrina Nguyen
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Sage Michaels
Humanities Undergraduate Public Fellowships - Katrina Pagaduan, Markus Faye Portacio
Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Elise Benton, Theresa Bostic, Sage Michaels, Maia Zelkha
The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Brianna Aispuro
Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Graciela Villalobos-Martinez
Koret Undergraduate Research Scholar - Lia Bonver, Lauren Hatcher, Daithi Willis
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship - Jose Guillermo Cruz Serrato
Chancellor's Undergraduate Award - Jonah Gertz
Deans’ Undergraduate Award - Avni Lal, Jonah Gertz, Maya Gonzalez, Kimberly Szeto, Matthew Tracey-Cook, "The Stela of Maya: Family and Marriage Relations in Ancient Egypt" group project: Vicky Chin, Alyssa Rodriguez, Mary Shamon, Olivia Tarango
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Maya Gonzalez
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Maya Gonzalez
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Global History - Jonah Gertz
History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Avni Lal
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Kimberly Szeto
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Claire Williams
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 C.E. History - Elise Benton, Elena Castaneda, Rodolfo Gil, Bailey Van Tassell
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Vicky Chin, Olivia Tarango, Mary Shamon, Alyssa Rodriguez
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Jonah Gertz
Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Jonah Gertz, Maya Gonzalez, Sage Michaels
The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Hannah Stitt
Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Emily Rashid
Undergraduate Digital Research Fellowship - Maya Gonzalez, Leighton Smith
Humanities Dean’s Excellence Award - Graciela Villalobos-Martinez
History Department First Generation Student Scholarship - Evangelia Magkolas, Starr Mitchell, Markus Faye Portacio
Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Angela Cortes
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Angela Cortes, Bailey Troth, Charles Wagoner
History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Angela Cortes
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Global Intellectual History - Gabriel Embrey
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Tayleigh Greene
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Diplomatic History - Alexander Miller
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - William Staninger
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Cultural History - Bailey Troth
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Bailey Troth
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Historical Memory - Charles Wagoner
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Monty Montero-Elliott
Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Monty Montero-Elliott, Charles Wagoner
The Siobhan O’Neill Memorial Scholarship - Savannah Hallgarth
Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Angela Cortes, Henry Jimenez
Cowell College John Holmes US History Prize - Adelaide Carlson
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Jessica Chuidian-Ingersoll, Michele Cole, Avery Jayne Weinman
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Stephanie Perez, Garrett Starke
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Local History - Jessica Chuidian-Ingersoll
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Michele Cole
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Digital History - Savannah Dawson
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Social History - Elena DeNoia
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Miguel Lepiz
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Religious History - Michael Roush
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Intellectual History - Avery Weinman
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Avery Weinman
Cowell College John Holmes US History Prize - Miguel Lepiz
UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Michael Roush, Ellis Scherer
Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Stephanie Perez, Garrett Starke, Avery Weinman
Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Nirupama Chandrasekhar, Stephanie Perez, Samantha Stringer
Gabriel Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship - Asante Nkosi
Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Ian Kussin-Gika
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Christian Culton, Riley Gervin, Ian Kussin-Gika
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Nicolas Niño
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World History - Kade Muffett
History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Ian Kussin-Gika
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Gender History - Riley Gervin
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Jonathan Hill
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Al-Harith Abu-Amara
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Media History - Christian Culton
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Political History - Jason Gomez
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Spatial History - Daphne White
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Ian Kussin-Gika
Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships - Teodor Jaich, Ethan Pezzolo, Mikhaila Reid
Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Gabriel Louis Embrey
UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Mark Evans, Joanna Gil, Jui Huang, Marcelo Lomelin
Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Miguel Giron, Cori Hoover
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Martin Dietz, Arash Ehya, Miguel Giron, Cori Hoover, Serene Tseng
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Miguel Giron
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World History - Caitlin Powell
History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Serene Tseng
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Arash Ehya
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Cori Hoover
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Martin Dietz
History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Robert Potmesil
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Cori Hoover
2017 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Nolan Perla-Ward
2017 Achmin Perner Award - Joanna Gil, Melanie Guther
Fall 2016 UCEAP Promise Scholarships - Abigail Kellogg
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Rose Greenberg, Cori Hoover, Amalia Hubbert, Alexyss McClellan, Robert Potmesil
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Robert Potmesil
Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarship - Cori Hoover, Daniela Torres
1st Prize Winner of “Shout Out for the Humanities” Contest - Stella Fronius
Chancellor's Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Hana Rothstein
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Stella Fronius, Clare Moran, Hana Rothstein
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Kylie Carpenter
History Department Linda Peterson Award in East Asian History - Stella Fronius
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Middle Eastern History - Hana Rothstein
History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Clare Moran
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Tyler Lewis
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Christopher Cruickshank
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Grant Shryock
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Essay - Stella Fronius
UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Promise Award - Alec Whitson, Jackson Zeman
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Alex Attanasio, Matthew Ray, Stella Fronius
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Stella Fronius
UC Global Food Initiative Fellowship - David Robles
2016 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Sanjana Barr
Catherine A. Jones Scholarship (Awarded in Association with the Dizikes Faculty Teaching Award in Humanities) - Jacob Perez
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Noah Barrera-Stanford, Marley Lix-Jones, Nicholas Watter
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Jordan Brown, Amanda Cheung, Jennifer Lemieux, Rafferty Lincoln
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Marley Lix-Jones
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and African History - Nicholas Watter
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asian and the Islamic World History - Patrick Aguilar
History Department Linda Peterson Award in European History - Christina Maerz
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Abigail Resenbeck
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Yessenia Moreno
History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Noah Barrera-Stanford
History Department Hitchcock Award for the Best Overall Project - Marley Lix-Jones
2015 Fanny Carruthers History Scholarship - Sanjana Barr
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Trevor Stober
Deans' Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Samantha House and Trevor Stober
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Nicholas Garcia, Tobias Rushing, Priscilla Sanchez
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and Africa - Trevor Stober
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Jan Jorritsma
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Rachael Kellermann
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1500 A.D. History - Elizabeth Beard
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Samantha House
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Marley Lix-Jones
History Department Undergraduate Education Comittee Award - Rebecca O'Neill
History Department Hitchcock Award - Trevor Stober
Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Oona O'Neill
UC Santa Cruz UCEAP Scholarship - Oona O'Neill and Laura Ruvalcaba
2012 - 2013
2013 Steck Family Award - Kristoffer Hellén
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Kristoffer Hellén and Joshua Swedberg
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Cory Schiff, Darrel Jobe, Kristoffer Hellén, Joshua Swedberg
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Taylor Feld, Lois Rosson, Rebecca Royston, Lauren Young
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the United States - Joshua Swedberg
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Latin America - Patrick Rubio
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Cory Schiff
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Darrel Jobe
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Lauren Gregg
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Jeffrey Baron
History Department Hitchcock Award - Kristoffer Hellén
Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Maritza Santa Cruz and Timothy Mohnhaupt
Verbal Acclamation Award at the UC Berkeley Model United Nations Conference - Kelsey Hill
2011 - 2012
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Nathan Brown
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Nathan Brown, Ian Hickey, Dylan McCarty, Mary Wolff
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Michael Hinojosa and Cory Schiff
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Americas and Africa - Garrett Davidson
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Berkeley Hirsch
History Department Linda Peterson Award in East Asia - Dylan McCarty
History Department Linda Peterson Award in the Near East - Nathan Brown
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Isabel Callejo-Brighton
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Ian Hickey
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Mary Wolff
History Department Undergraduate Education Comittee Award - Kaleigh Woods
History Department Hitchcock Award - Ian Hickey
Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Ashley Ann Overhouse
Robert T. Matsui - University of California Congressional Fellowship - Andrew Avallone and Erin Flannery
2010 - 2011
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Joshua Brett
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Joshua Brett, Catherine Damon, Dillon Webster
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Ai Baba, Rhiannon Benson, Joshua Brett, Nathan Brown, Catherine Damon
Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Joshua Brett
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-600 A.D. History - Catherine Damon
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Sara Sladwick
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Trans-Regional History - Dillon Webster
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Joshua Brett
History Department Linda Peterson Award in Europe - Lillian Stoicheff
History Department Hitchcock Award - Joshua Brett
Marshall Scholarship- Cynthia Thickpenny
Gilder Lehrman History Scholarship - Ashelen Vicuna
Fanny Carruthers Scholarship in History - Ashley Ann Overhouse
Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship - Andrew Whitman
Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity - Matthew Palm
2009 - 2010
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Briana Brooks
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Briana Brooks, Daniel Englander, Caitlin Jolicoeur
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Rachael Berry, Derek Davis, Steven Roy, Cynthia Thickpenny
History Department Hitchcock Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Briana Brooks
History Department Hitchcock Award in Trans-Regional History - Huijun Katherine Chen
History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Nicole Rupp
History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Daniel Englander
History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Caitlin Jolicoeur
John Dizikes Student Scholarship Award - Cynthia Thickpenny
2008 - 2009
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Talia Coutin
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Talia Coutin, Tashin Siddique
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - James Ong, Monica Sedlock
History Department Hitchcock Award in Pre-1800 A.D. History - Evan Housel
History Department Hitchcock Award in Trans-Regional History - Mark Edwards
History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Reeve Tyndall
History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Tashin Siddique
History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Talia Coutin
2007 - 2008
Chancellor’s Undergraduate Achievement Awards, Division of the Humanities - Jordan Neyer, Lia Winfield
Dean’s Undergraduate Achievement Award, Division of the Humanities - Laura Leone, Jordan Neyer, Lia Winfield
Humanities Undergraduate Research Awards - Talia Coutin, Ryan Farrell, Kelly McCormick, Lia Winfield, Maro Youssef
Humanities Undergraduate Research Award, Bertha N. Melkonian Prize - Lia Winfield
History Department Chair's Award - Laura Leone
History Department Undergraduate Education Committee Award - Jordan Neyer
History Department Hitchcock Award in Americas and Africa - Lia Winfield
History Department Hitchcock Award in Asia and the Islamic World - Nathan Jaye
History Department Hitchcock Award in Europe - Laura Leone