Alumni Job Placements
Naomi Andrews, Associate Professor of History
Santa Clara University
Ph.D. Awarded: 1998
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Beecher
Dissertation Title: "Socialism's Muse: Gender and Romantic Socialism in July Monarchy France"
Scripps College Awarded: 2024
Faculty Advisor: Grace Delgado
Dissertation Title: "Tracking Contagious Cases: Venereal Disease, Sex Work, and the Making of the Male Homosexual at the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1926-1964"
Elyse Banks, Adjunct Professor
University of San Fransico
Ph.D. Awarded: 2019
Faculty Advisor: Eric Porter
Dissertation Title: "Catholic Interracialism in New Orleans, 1930-1980: A Historical Survey with Implications for the Post-Katrina Movement"
Jessica Barbata Jackson, Associate Professor
Colorado College
Ph.D Awarded: 2017
Faculty Advisor: David Brundage
Dissertation Title: "The "Priviledge Dago"?: Race, Citizenship, and Sicilians in the Jim Crow Gulf South, 1870-1924"
Hilde Becker, Resident Director
School Year Abroad Beijing
M.A. Awarded: 1997
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter
MA Paper Title: "In the Name of Civilization:Gender, Education, and the Report of the 1890 General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries"
Erik Bernardino, Assistant Professor of History
Bates College
Ph. D. Awarded: 2021
Faculty Advisor: Grace Delgado
Dissertation Title: “Rightful Work: Rethinking Peonage, Free Labor, and Prostitution in the
California Borderlands, 1877-1937”
Christopher Brooks, Faculty in History (tenured)
Portland Community College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2010
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Beecher
Dissertation Title: "Exile: An Intellectual Portrait of Andre Gorz"
Melissa Brzycki, Assistant Professor
Monouth University
P.hD. Awarded: 2018
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Inventing the Socialist Child in China, 1949-1966"
April Bullock, Associate Professor of Liberal Arts
California State University, Fullerton
Ph.D. Awarded: 1997
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Beecher
Dissertation Title: “Victorian Bohemias: Class, Gender, and the Artist in the Metropolis, 1840-1900”
Ana Candela, Writer, Editor and Historian
Ph.D. Awarded: 2013
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter
Dissertation Title: "Nations, Migration and Governance: Cantonese Migrants to Peru and the Makeing of Overseas Chinese Nationalism, 1849-2013"
DePaul Unversity
Instructor of History, Stanford Online High SchoolPh.D. Awarded: 2022Faculty Advisor: Grace DelgadoDissertation Title: "Living Openly and Notoriously: Sexually Nonconforming Immigrant Women Navigating Immigration Control, 1852-1920"
Shelly Chan, Associate Professor of History
University of California Santa Cruz
Assistant Professor of Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Victoria, 2009-2011
Ph.D. Awarded: 2009
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "The Overseas Chinese Project: Nation, Culture, and Race in Modern China, 1900-1966"
Miami University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2023
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "In Search of the Socialist Working Woman: The Spatial Politics of Gender in Chengdu from Maoism to State Capitalism"
Angelina Chin, Associate Professor of History
Pomona College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2006
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Bound to Emancipate: Management of Lower-class Women in 1920s and 1930s Urban South China"
Alexander Day, Associate Professor of History
Occidental College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2007
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emly Honig
Dissertation Title: "Return of the Peasant: The Politics of Rural Social Justice in Contemporary China"
Urmi Engineer, Associat Professor of History
Pitzer College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2011
Faculty Advisor: Edmund Burke
Dissertation Title: "Hurricane of the Human Frame: Yellow Fever, Race, and Reconstruction in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans"
Xiaofei Gao, Assistant Professor, History
University of Colorado Denver
P.hD. Awarded: 2018
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Maritime Manchuria: Empire, State and Laborers 1905-1999"
Kiran Garcha, Assistant Professor, History
Cal State University Bakersfield
Ph.D Awarded: 2020
Faculty Advisor: David Brundage
Dissertation Title: "The "Priviledge Dago"?: Race, Citizenship, and Sicilians in the Jim Crow Gulf South, 1870-1924"
Ph.D. Awarded: 2024Faculty Advisor: David BrundageDissertation Title: "Noshing in the Midwest: Foodways and Midwestern Jewish Communities"
Meg Gudgeirsson, Assistant Teaching Professor
Santa Clara University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2016
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: "Perfect Child, Perfect Faith Raising Children In Nineteeth-Century Religious Communities"
Christina Morales Guzman, Lecturer, Ethnic Studies
Santa Clara University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2012
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Race, Citizenship, and the Negotiation of Space: Chinese, Japanese, and Mexicans in Fresno, California, 1870-1949"
Amy Hart, California State Park Historian
San Luis Obispo Coastal District of State Parks
Ph.D. Awarded: 2019
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: ""Life After Community: The Communitarian Women Who Transformed Nineteenth-Century American Society"
Carolyn (Hofig) Halladay, Senior Lecturer
Naval Postgraduate School
P.hD. Awarded: 1997
Faculty Advisor: Mark Cioc
Dissertation Title: "’Organized Cheerfulness’: A Regional Study of Popular Culture and Identity in the German Democratic Republic"
Kyuhyun Han, Assistant Professor
University of Rhode Island
P.hD. Awarded: 2022
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title:"Seeing the Forest Like a State: Forest Management, Wildlife Conservation, and Center-Periphery Relations in Northeast China, 1949 – 1988"
Fang Yu Hu, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee Chattanooga
P.hD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Taiwanese Homes, Japanese Schools: Han Taiwanese Girls' Primary Education Under Japanese Rule, 1895-1945"
Michael Hudson, Associate Professor
American University Phnom Pehn
P.hD. Awarded: 2013
Faculty Advisor: Peter Kenez
Dissertation Title: "Storming Fortresses: A Political History of Chess in the Soviet Union, 1917-1948"
James Illingworth, Assitant Editor
Freedmen and Southern Society Projext, Univ. of Maryland
P.hD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Crescent City Radicals: Black Working People and the Civil War Era in New Orleans"
Michael Jin, Associate Professor of History
University of Illinois, Chicago
P.hD. Awarded: 2013
Faculty Advisor: Alice Yang
Dissertation Title: "’Beyond Two Homelands: Migration and Transnationalism of Japanese Americans in the Pacific, 1930-1955"
Daniel Joesten, Writing Program Lecturer
University of California Santa Cruz
Ph.D. Awarded: 2022
Faculty Advisor: Marc Matera
Dissertation Title:"Between Subject and Alien: Adecolonization, Citizenship, and the Irish Diaspora in Interwar Britain 1921 - 1937"
Aki Kalliomaki, Program Coordinator
The Fulbright Center, Helsinki
Ph.D. Awarded: 2005
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: "’The Most God-provoking Democrats on This Side of Hell’—The United Irishmen in the United States”
Wenqing Kang, Associate Professor of History
Cleveland State University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2006
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter
Dissertation Title: "Male Same-Sex Relations in Twentieth-Century China"
Charles Krysinski, Assistant Professor of Religion
Northland College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2022
Faculty Advisor: Eric Porter
Dissertation Title: "Black Theology and The End of Time"
West Virginia University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2022
Advisor: Derr, Jennifer
Dissertation title: “What Do You Suppose This Rain Is Worth?: German Colonialism, Political Ecology, and The Founding Of Modern Turkey"
Andrea Lowgren, Faculty in History and Women's Studies (tenured)
Portland Community College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2007
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Street Reputations: Women Mapping Sexuality in San Francisco, 1930-1965"
Muiris MacGiollabhui, Clinical Assitant Professor
Purdue University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2019
Faculty Advisor: David Brundage
Dissertation Title: "Carrying the Green Bough: An Atlantic History of the United Irishmen, 1795-1830"
Eliza Martin, Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Ph.D. Awarded: 2010
Faculty Advisor: Lisbeth Haas
Dissertation Title: "Growth by the Gallon: Water, Development and Power in San Diego, California, 1890-1947"
Laura Martin, Professor of History
South Puget Sound Community College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2014
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Precarious City: Marginal Workers, The State, and Working-Class Activism in Post-Insdustrial San Francisco, 1964-1979"
University of Texas, San Antonio
Ph.D. Awaraded: Summer 2023
Advisor: Delgado, Grace
Dissertation title: "By Land and by Sea: Indigeneity, Mestizaje, and Nationalism at the Western-Pacific Borderlands from 1824-1934"
Hiroyuki Matsubara, Professor, Department of History
Rikkyo University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2005
Faculty Advisor: Alice Yang
Dissertation Title: "Unsettled Controversies: The Anti-Prostitution Movement and the Transformation of American Political Culture, 1910-1919"
Kevin McDonald, Associate Professor of History
Loyola Marymount University
Postdoctoral appointment, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011
Ph.D. Awarded: 2008
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: ”Pirates, Merchants, Settlers and Slaves: Making an Indo-Atlantic Trade World, 1640-1730”
Brenda Melendy, Professor of History
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Ph.D. Awarded: 1998
Faculty Advisor: Mark Cioc
Dissertation Title: "In Search of Heimat: Crafting Expellee Identity in the West German Context, 1949-1961"
Augsburg University
Ph.D. Awarded: Fall 2023
Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation title: "Moving the Wind and Changing Custom: Local Responses and Implementation of Marriage Laws in South China, 1930-1976"
Yajun Mo, Associate Professor of History
Boston College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2011
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter
Dissertation Title: "Itineraries for a Republic: Tourism and Travel Culture in Modern China, 1866-1954"
Stephanie Montgomery, Grants and Projects Analyst
Nevada Art Council
P.hD. Awarded: 2018
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Gender, Criminality, and the Prison in China, 1928-1953"
Ph.D. Awarded: 2014
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation: ”Making Girls, Women and Nuns: U.S. Catholic sisters, convents and schools in the Dominican Republic, 1946-66”
Ignacio Ornelas Rodriguez, Curriculum Consultant
Stanford University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2017
Faculty Advisor: Lisbeth Haas
Dissertation Title: "The Struggle for Social Justice in the Monterey Bay Area: The Transformation of Mexican and Mexican American Political Activism, 1930-2000”
David Palter, Workforce Development Associate
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
Ph.D. Awarded: 2014
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Testing for Race: Stanford University, Asian Americans and Psychometric Testing in California, 1920-1935"
Chrislaine Pamphile Miller, Instructor of History
Mount Madonna School
Ph.D. Awarded: 2014
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: "'Blessed are the Peacemakers": African American Emigration to Haiti, 1816-1826"
Heidelber Center for American Studies
Ph.D. Awarded: 2017
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation title: "Bloody Unities: Transatlantic Moravian Identies and Early American Religious Radicalism"
Sasha Pursley, Associate Professor of History (Retired)
Black Hills State University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2003
Faculty Advisor: Peter Kenez
Dissertation Title: "The Motherland Calls: The 46th Taman' Aviation Group in the Great Patriotic War"
Maia Ramnath, Associate Professor of History and Asian Studies
Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2008
Faculty Advisor: Dilip Basu
Dissertation Title: ”The Haj to Utopia’: Anti-Systemic Ideologies in the South Asian Diaspora, 1905-1930”
University of California Santa Cruz
Ph.D. Awarded: 2016
Faculty Advisor: Lisbeth Haas
Dissertation Title: "No Somos Animales: Indigenous Survival and Perseverance in 19th Century Santa Cruz, California"
Alicia Romero, Curator
New Mexico History Museum
Ph.D. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Alice Yang
Dissertation Title: "Portrait of Barrio: Memory and Popular Culture in Barelas, NM 1881-2000"
Jeff Sanceri, Associate Professor of History
College of Aleameda
Ph.D. Awarded:
Faculty Advisor: Lisbeth Haas
Dissertation Title: "Negotiating Dominance: Juvenile Delinquency and Masculinity in Progressive Era Los Angeles, 1891-1914"
Sabrina Sanchez, Assistant Professor of History
Bellevue College
Ph.D. Awarded: 2013
Faculty Advisor: Lisbeth Haas
Dissertation Title: ”In the Name of the Father, the Governor, and A-1 Men: Performing Gender, Race, and Empire in Territorial New Mexico, 1880-1912”
Jaclyn Schultz, Senate Committee Analysts
University of California Santa Cruz
Ph.D. Awarded: 2020
Faculty Advisor: Catherine Jones
Dissertation Title: "Learning the Values of a Dollar: Childhood and Cultures of Economy in the United States, 1820-1900"
Brain Shott, Historian and Independent Scholar
P.hD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: David Brundage
Dissertation Title: "Mediating America: Black and Irish Press and the Struggles for Citizenship, 1870-1914"
Amanda Shuman, Researcher and Lecturer
University of Freiburg
P.hD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: " The Politics of Socialist Athletics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1966"
Kathleen Simonton, Lecturer in History
Santa Clara University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2005
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: "Downhome From Ulster: Ulster Irish in Megantic County Quebec, 1814-1850"
Sara Smith, Assistant Professor of History
American River College, Sacramento
Ph.D. Awarded: 2014
Faculty Advisor: Dana Frank
Dissertation Title: "Organizing for Social Juststice: Rank-and-File Teachers' Activism and Social Unionism in California, 1948-1978"
Edward "Noel" Smyth, Assistant Professor of History
Vanderbilt University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2016
Faculty Advisor: Marilyn Westerkamp
Dissertation Title: "The Natchez Diaspora: A History of Indigenous Displacement and Survival in the Atlantic World"
Christy Story, Faculty in ACE Center and History
Castilleja School
Ph.D. Awarded: 1998
Faculty Advisor: Peter Kenez
Dissertation Title: "In A Court of Law: The Russian Revolutionary Tribunals, 1917-1922"
Xiaoping Sun, Assistant Professor of History (with tenure)
St. Mary's University, Halifax
Ph.D. Awarded: 2008
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter
Dissertation Title: "Mobilizing Women: Chinese Women in the New Life Movement"
Jeremy Tai, Assistant Professor of History and Classical Studies
McGill University
PhD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation Title: "Opening Up the Northwest: Reimagining Xi'an adn the Modern Chinese Frontier"
Joshua Tan, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of History
National University of Singapore
Ph.D Awarded: 2024Faculty Advisor: Shelly Chan
Dissertation Title: "Schooling Free Asia: Diasporic Chinese and Educational Activism in the Transpacific Cold War"
State of Nevada
Ph.D. Awarded: 2020
Faculty Advisor: Maya Peterson
Dissertation Title: "Historicizing Soviet Nostalgia: Soviet socialism from 1920 to the Present"
Philip Whalen, Professor of History
Coastal Carolina University
Ph.D. Awarded: 2000
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Beecher
Dissertation Title: "The Life and Works of Gaston Roupnel"
Samantha Williams, Historian
Historian, Writer, Researcher of Native American History
Ph.D. Awarded: 2019
Faculty Advisor: Amy Lonetree
Dissertation Title: "That was our home, and it needs to be remembered:" Erasing and Reclaiming the History of the Steward Indian School"
James Dustin Wright, Assistant Professor of Japanese Culture and Language
California State Universtiy Monterey Bay
P.hD. Awarded: 2015
Faculty Advisor: Alan Christy
Dissertation Title: " The Sunagawa Struggle: A Century of Anti-Base Protest in a Tokyo Suburb"
Advisor: Gail Hershatter/Emily Honig
Dissertation title: "Down to the Roots: Teeth, Dentistry, and Dental Hygiene in Modern China, 1907-1985”