Graduate Student Directory
- Title
- Doctoral Student
- Division Humanities Division
- Department
- History Department
- Office Hours By appointment
- Mail Stop History Department
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High St.
- Santa Cruz CA 95060
Research Interests
Philippine gender-sexuality; archival theory; Philippine/Filipina/o culture and political economy; affect theory; Critical Social and Cultural Theory; transnational and Third World feminism; postcolonial theory; Philippine “canons”; critical fabulation.
Biography, Education and Training
Doctoral Student, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of History (2023-present)
- Currently pursuing a Ph.D. as a Cota-Robles Fellow. My research revolves attempts to historicize and (re)theorize Philippine canons (broadly defined) and their articulations of the Filipino/a "body" and/or "flesh."
Bachelor of Arts in History and Politics, minor in Religion, Centre College (Danville, KY), summa cum laude/Valedictorian
- Undergraduate Honors Thesis: On Gender(ed) Empire: Diffusion and Translation of Western Male Supremacist Ideologies in the Philippines.
Honors, Awards and Grants
2025: Bordin/Gillete Fellowship (Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan)
2024: First Generation Graduate Group Award (DEI Office)
2024: Graduate Humanities Fellowship
2024: Regent's Fellowship
2024: Gary Lease Fellowship (History of Consciousness)
2024: Bettina Aptheker Award for Sexual, Gendered, and Racial Violence Studies (Feminist Studies)
2023-Present: Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, University of California, Santa Cruz
2023: Graduated summa cum laude and Valedictorian, Centre College
2022: Inducted in Phi Beta Kappa, Centre College
Selected Presentations
2024: National Women's Studies Association (NWSA), Detroit, Michigan
- Title: Bamboos: An Origin Story of Filipino/a Flesh (Panel Presentation)
2023: Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago IL
- Title: On Gender(ed) Empire: Diffusion and Translation of Male Supremacist Ideologies in the Philippines. (Poster Presentation)