Faculty by Undergraduate Concentration
All history majors select a geographic region of concentration as their primary area of study: Americas and Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe and the Mediterranean World. Majors are encouraged to get to know the faculty in their region of concentration as early as possible.
History majors are also encouraged to carve out their own unique thematic research pathway — religion, social movements, science and environment, and gender, to name a few — and to get to know the history faculty who specialize in those research areas.
***Click on a faculty member's name to view their detailed profile information.***
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Americas and Africa
Grace Peña Delgado
- Title
- Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Border Studies, Ethnicity, Chicana/o Studies, Nationalism, Immigration, Latin American and Latino Studies, Sexuality, Asian American Pacific Islander History, Mexico
- Summary of Expertise
North American Borderlands (Canada-U.S.-Mexico)
Immigration--Mexican, Asian
Gender and Sexuality
Race and Nationalism
Chinese in Mexico
Maria Elena Diaz
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Colonialism, Slavery, African Diaspora, Atlantic World, Latin American and Latino Studies, History, Race, Law and Policy, Personal and Social Identities, Spanish
- Summary of Expertise
Colonial Latin America and Caribbean history
Catherine A Jones
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History, Civil War, Gender Studies, Race, Youth Studies
- Summary of Expertise
Slavery and Emancipation
Civil War Era
History of Children and Childhood
American South
Amy Joy Lonetree
- Title
- Professor
- Summary of Expertise
Indigenous History, Museum Studies, Commemoration and Public Memory, Native American Cultural Production, Public History, and Ho-Chunk Tribal History
Aims McGuinness
- Title
- College Provost, Merrill College
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History
- Summary of Expertise
Latin America, Panamá, U.S. empire, race, labor, California Gold Rush, socialism, Cold War, transnational/global history/world history.
Matt O′Hara
- Title
- Provost, Stevenson College
- Professor
Gregory O′Malley
- Title
- Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Slavery, African Diaspora, Atlantic World, History, Race, African American / Black Studies, World History, Digital Humanities, US History
Eric C Porter
- Title
- Distinguished Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise African American / Black Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Jazz, American Studies, California History, Improvisation, Urban studies, Cultural Studies
Marilyn J Westerkamp
- Title
- Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Colonialism, Gender Studies, Religion and Secularism, Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Women's Studies
Alice Yang
- Title
- Chair and Professor, History Department
- Professor of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Pacific War Memories
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Asian American Pacific Islander History, Comparative Politics, California History, Colonialism, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies, Labor and Social Read more ...
- Summary of Expertise
Historical Memory, Asian American Pacific Islander History, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Gender, 20th Century US History, Pacific War History, Oral History, Redress, and Reparations
Read more ...
Caitlin A Keliiaa
- Title
- Assistant Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Indigenous Peoples, Gender Studies, California History, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Colonialism, Labor and Social Movements
Asia and the Pacific
Noriko Aso
- Title
- Associate Professor
- East Asian Studies Program Director
- Assistant Faculty Director, Teaching and Learning Center
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History, Asian Studies, Pacific Rim, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Visual Culture, Popular Culture, Youth Studies
- Summary of Expertise
Modern Japanese history, cultural and intellectual
Shelly Chan
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise China, Globalization, World History, Cultural Studies, Asian Studies
- Summary of Expertise
Modern and contemporary China through transnational, diasporic, and oceanic approaches
Alan S Christy
- Title
- Cowell Provost
- Professor
- History Department Undergraduate Program Director
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Asian Studies, Digital Humanities
Kathleen C Gutierrez
- Title
- Assistant Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise The Philippines, Southeast Asian Studies, History of Science, Colonialism, Science Studies, Community-based Research
- Summary of Expertise
Philippine history, science and technology studies, Southeast Asian studies, history of plant sciences, agrarian migration
Minghui Hu
- Title
- Associate Professor
Juned Noor M Shaikh
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise India and Indian Studies, Marxism, World History, Colonialism, Labor and Social Movements, Urban studies
- Summary of Expertise
Modern South Asia, Urban, Labor, Caste, Dalit Studies, Marxism, and Intellectual History.
Europe and the Mediterranean World
Benjamin P Breen
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Science Studies, Colonialism, Digital Humanities, Drug Policy, World History
- Summary of Expertise
I'm an associate professor of history at UCSC interested in the history of science, medicine, empire, and the long-term impacts of technological change. My most recent book, Tripping on Read more ...
Muriam H Davis
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise North Africa, Middle East Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Capitalism, European Studies
Jennifer L Derr
- Title
- Associate Professor; Founding Director, Center for the Middle East and North Africa at UC Santa Cruz
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Disease and Immunity, Science Studies, Environmental Studies, Biomedical Sciences, Capitalism, Colonialism, History, Water
Nathaniel P Deutsch
- Title
- Distinguished Professor and Baumgarten Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies
- Director of the Center for Jewish Studies
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Jewish Studies and Judaism, Religion and Secularism, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, African American / Black Studies, Hebrew, Yiddish, Ethnography
- Summary of Expertise
Modern Jewish history; Hasidism; History of Religions, African American Islam; history of eugenics in the United States; Gnosticism
Alma R Heckman
- Title
- Neufeld-Levin Chair of Holocaust Studies
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Jewish Studies and Judaism, Middle East Studies, Mediterranean Studies
- Summary of Expertise
Modern Jewish History
Modern History of North Africa and the Middle East
Charles Webster Hedrick
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Ancient World / Classics, Democracy, Classical Studies, Classics, History
Edward H Kehler
- Title
- Continuing Lecturer
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History, German Studies, Communism, European Politics, European Studies, Fascism, Film, Jewish Studies and Judaism, Nationalism, Post Communist Politics
Marc Matera
- Title
- Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise History, European Studies, Africa and African Studies, African Diaspora, Colonialism, Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Urban studies
Kiva Silver
- Title
- Senior Continuing Lecturer
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Nationalism, European Studies, History, Writing
- Summary of Expertise
Modern European History
French History
Nation-state Development & Nationalism
Immigration & Integration in Europe
Rhetoric and Composition
Elaine A Sullivan
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Egyptology; Archaeology; Digital Humanities; Virtual Reality, Immersive, and Augmented Reality Environments; Ancient World / Classics; History
Bruce A Thompson
- Title
- Jewish Studies Academic Advising Coordinator
- Continuing Lecturer
- Faculty Areas of Expertise California History, Climate Change, Environmental History, European Studies, Film, History, Jewish Studies and Judaism, Religion and Secularism, War
- Summary of Expertise
European history, Jewish history and literature.
Anne S Kreps
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Ancient World / Classics, Mediterranean Studies, Religion and Secularism
- Summary of Expertise
Second Temple Judaism, Early Christianity, History of the Ancient Near East, New Religious Movements, Methods and Theories for the Study of Read more ...