Faculty by Undergraduate Concentration
All history majors select a geographic region of concentration as their primary area of study: Americas and Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe and the Mediterranean World. Majors are encouraged to get to know the faculty in their region of concentration as early as possible.
History majors are also encouraged to carve out their own unique thematic research pathway — religion, social movements, science and environment, and gender, to name a few — and to get to know the history faculty who specialize in those research areas.
***Click on a faculty member's name to view their detailed profile information.***

- Title
- Neufeld-Levin Chair of Holocaust Studies
- Associate Professor
- Division Humanities Division
- Department
- History Department
- Jewish Studies
- Affiliations Jewish Studies, Center for the Middle East and North Africa (CMENA)
- Phone 831-459-2465
- Office Location
- Stevenson College Academic Building, 277
- Office Hours Winter 2025: Thursdays 12-1pm in office and by appointment
- Mail Stop Stevenson Academic Services
- Mailing Address
- Stevenson Academic Services, 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz California 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Jewish Studies and Judaism, Middle East Studies, Mediterranean Studies
- Courses HIS 74A: Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History: Ancient to Early Modern; HIS 074: Introduction to Jewish History and Cultures; HIS 74B: Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History: Early Modern to Present; HIS 76: The Holocaust; HIS 185C: Communism, Nationalism, & Zionism: Comparative Radical Jewish Politics; HIS 185O: The Holocaust and the Arab World; HIS 194K: Jewish Radical Movements; HIS 194L: Exile, Diaspora and Displacement: Jewish Memoir from North Africa and the Middle East; HIS 194V: Fascism and Anti-Fascism: The Global Spanish Civil War; HIS 185I: Latin American Jewish History in the Modern Period
Summary of Expertise
Modern Jewish History
Modern History of North Africa and the Middle East
Research Interests
Modern Jewish History
North Africa and the Middle East
Labor History
Transnational Jewish Political Activism
Third Worldism
Biography, Education and Training
Ph.D. in History, UCLA, 2015.
C.Phil. in History, UCLA, 2012.
MA in History, UCLA, 2012.
B.A. in French (major) and Middle Eastern Studies (major), Wellesley College, 2009.
Honors, Awards and Grants
Fellow at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (Fall 2018)
Hellman Fellowship for AY 2017-2018
Posen Society of Fellows award for 2014-2016
UCLA International Institute International Fieldwork Fellowship for AY 2013-2014
UCLA Center for Jewish Studies Bluma Appel Fellowship for AY 2013-2014
Ralph and Sarah Monkarsh Graduate Fellowship travel grant Summer 2013
American Academy for Jewish Research (AAJR) travel fellowship Summer 2013
Takiff Family Foundation Fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Fall 2013
UCLA Center for Jewish Studies Roter Research Travel Grant Summer 2012
FLAS grant to study Hebrew Summer 2011
Chancellor’s Prize to support Summer research 2011 and 2012
Fulbright Fellowship to Morocco, AY 2009-2010
Selected Publications
The Sultan's Communists: Moroccan Jews and the Politics of Belonging. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2021.
“Fissures and Fusions: Moroccan Jewish Communists before, during, and after WWII,” in On the Margins of the Holocaust, Sarah Abrevaya Stein and Aomar Boum, Eds. (Stanford University Press, 2019).
“Jewish Radicals of Morocco: Case Study for a New Historiography,” in Jewish Social Studies Vol. 23, No. 30, Spring/Summer 2018: 67-100.
“Multivariable Casablanca: Vichy Law, Jewish Diversity, and the Moroccan Communist Party” in Hespéris-Tamuda special issue “Jews of Morocco and the Maghreb: History and Historiography,” Vol. LI – Fascicule 3, (2016): 13-34.
“Packed in Twelve Cases: The Alliance Israélite Universelle and the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair” with Frances Malino in Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture Society n.s. 19, no. 1 (Fall 2012): 53-69.
"Edmond El Maleh". The Literary Encyclopedia. 18 April 2013. [http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13227]
Numerous translations for Julia Phillips Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya Stein, eds., Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History of the Ottoman Judeo-Spanish World & Its Diaspora, 1700-1950 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014).
Selected Recordings
"Beyond Casablanca: Jews in Vichy North Africa," Tajine podcast episode 4, Feb. 12, 2014.
"Jewish Citizens on Exhibit," Ottoman History Podcast, episode 126, Oct. 17, 2013.