Opportunity for real world work in public history, historic restoration field experience and involvement in campus environmental planning! Develop skills in primary-source research, resource management, and public education while helping to preserve and interpret historic structures at sites on campus! Build your resume!
The UCSC Physical Planning and Construction department, in collaboration with Friends of the Cowell Lime Works Historic District, is seeking interns for the fall quarter, to work under the direction of Campus Planning Staff. Academic credits in history will be available through Mark Cioc, or Bruce Thompson.
Assistance with the following projects is sought:
1) Develop materials for student-led tours of the historic district
2) Develop tours and educational materials on the historic district for local elementary schools
3) Create an interactive map of the historic district for the Friends of the Cowell Lime Works website
4) Create a complete map of all structures and roads on the campus that can be identified from historic sources
5) Research and create a map other interpretive materials of the route that was used to transport the finished lime from the Cowell Lime Works to its destinations
Interested History students should contact both Alisa Klaus aklaus@ucsc.edu, internship supervisor, to signal their interest and obtain information on orientation meeting times, AND Professor Cioc (cioc@ucsc.edu), or Dr. Thompson (brucet@ucsc.edu) to arrange to sign up for History Independent Study, 2- or 5-unit credit.