Brian Mathias is a 2008 UC Santa Cruz European History major graduate, a local attorney, and a Constitutional Law Fellow at the Monterey College of Law.
Brian was born and raised in beautiful Santa Cruz County where he founded the Law Office of Brian Mathias, specializing in the areas of employment, personal injury, and landlord-tenant law.
Brian has always had a strong interest in history, biographies, and geography beginning as a young boy. However, his passion for history grew exponentially as a freshman when he took “Medieval Europe” taught by Professor Cynthia Polecritti. This was the first of five Italian and European History courses that Brian took from Professor Polecritti. Brian’s history background inspired him to complete his degree in the medieval city of Göttingen, Germany.
Brian has continued his independent study of history after graduation, studying in-depth his own genealogy, Christianity, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, and most recently Simon Bolivar.
Brian’s talk, “History! What is it good for?” will discuss how a background in history and the historical method is applied to the practice of law and everyday life.
He lives with his wife, Laura, on a historical property in rural Aptos and is in the process of obtaining Italian citizenship.
Brian will be the 2016 Undergraduate History Showcase Keynote Speaker.