Faculty by Research Specialization

The Department of History at UC Santa Cruz is known for its innovative research and exemplary scholarship. Our faculty work at the cutting edge of their respective fields, covering a wide variety of geographic, temporal, and thematic fields of study. The areas of specialization listed here are by no means an exhaustive list of our scholastic interests. Rather, they highlight the diverse and often overlapping ideas and approaches we explore within our teaching and research.

Juned Noor M Shaikh
  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Division Humanities Division
  • Department
    • History Department
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • Humanities Building 1, 531
    • 531 Humanities 1
  • Office Hours Fall 2024, Fri 10:00 - 11:30 AM and by appointment
  • Mail Stop Humanities Academic Services
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise India and Indian Studies, Marxism, World History, Colonialism, Labor and Social Movements, Urban studies
  • Courses HIS 44: Modern South Asia, 1500 to Present; HIS 146A: Colonial South Asia 1750-1947; HIS 147C: South Asia in the 20th Century; HIS 147D: Intellectual History of South Asia; HIS 147: Imperial Sport: Cricket in South Asia; HIS 194P: Urban South Asia; HIS 194T: Worlds of Labor in Asia; HIS 204 C: Colonialism, Nationalism, Race; HIS194N: Urbanities in the Global South; HIS200: Theories and Methods

Summary of Expertise

Modern South Asia, Urban, Labor, Caste, Dalit Studies, Marxism, and Intellectual History.

Research Interests

Modern South Asian social and cultural history, urban history, labor history, history of caste, Dalit studies, intellectual history, development studies, social theory, and agrarian studies

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D, University of Washington, Seattle

M.A., University of Chicago 

B.A, University of Pune

Honors, Awards and Grants

Outcaste Bombay: City Making and the Politics of the Poor selected as a 2022 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title by the American Library Association

Visiting Research Fellowship, Shelby Cullom Davis Center, Princeton University (2021-22)

Committee on Research, Faculty Research Grant, UCSC (2020-21)

Dean's Medal for the Social Sciences , University of Washington, Seattle, 2011

Selected Publications

 Shaikh, Juned. Outcaste Bombay: City Making and the Politics of the Poor (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2021); India Edition: (Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, 2021)

Teaching Interests

Modern South Asia, Intellectual History, Colonial India, Urban History, Labor History